Android App Developer

Android App Developer is that person who makes or develops the applications for android mobiles. The Android Developer makes apps for the native android devices. Android software development is the process by which applications are created for devices running the android operating system.

android developer

Who is Real Android App Developer

Anyone who has the skills of android app development is an android app developer. The framework and programming languages can be different according to use. Android studio is a widely used open source framework. This Studio is used for android app development.

Android App Developer Skills

The frameworks are different according to programming languages. Android studio makes it easy to make android applications. Learn at least one programming language with android studio.

Learn either Java/Kotlin with the Android Studio framework to become an Android developer. Some of the android programming languages are below.

Programming Languages Used For Android Developers

Google states the applications can be written using the following programming languages.

  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Python
  • C++
  • C#

You can use all these programming languages to make an android app. All these are open source languages anyone can use.

Java is the official programming language for Android app development. Currently Google is maintaining Java and Android Studio framework. Java is the most used programming language used in android app development. We recommend you to learn Java first.

How To Make Android UI / Designs Screens

To design android screens developers use XML. This stands for Extensible Markup Language. This is used to design the UI part in android studio. It’s very easy to learn, you don’t need to provide extra time to learn for that. You will learn it during the development process.

Who Can Learn Android App Development

Anyone can learn Android App Development and can become an android app developer. You should know some english.

If you are a graduate then it could be easy to learn and work with the android environment. Most of the IT companies prefer to hire graduates. If you have the knowledge of any programming language like Java then it can be easy to find any job or internship.

Can I Become An Android Developer After 12 Class

Of Course anyone can learn android app development, it’s open source. Learning after 12th class will provide a great passion to become an android developer.

Android App Developer Requirements In India

India is a business country for all businesses. India is still developing country and also has a huge population to spread any business. In some years India can become a hub of the IT sector. There are many cities which have already developed their IT sector like Bangalore, Noida, Gurugram etc. So the demand for android developers is going to increase day by day.

Salary Of An Android App Developer In India

During the Internship you can get a stipend according to the company. After turning into a developer job you can earn up to 20K per month in India. If you have experience more than 1 year then you can be offered up to 30K per month. You can see the Glassdoor and Indeed salary for Android developers in India.

Freelancer Android App Developer

If you don’t want to work in a company then you can take the projects from many websites. You have to complete the project by the given time then you will be paid. Upwork  and Freelancer are the most famous websites for bidding on projects. You can earn huge money by becoming a Freelancer as an android developer.

How To Learn Android App Development Online Free

Android and its frameworks are open source, anyone can learn these skills. You can learn android app development from these following websites for free.

  1. official website
  2. FlutterTPoint Android Tutorials
  3. YouTube
  4. Stackoverflow

What is Stackoverflow

Stackoverflow is an online community platform where you can put your queries. The query should be related to the development and design sector. The experienced developers and designers respond to your question.

Requirements And Process For Android App Development

After completing all your queries there are some system requirements which are below.

  1. Laptop or Desktop ( 64 bit, Min 8 GB RAM ) , 16 GB recommended.
  2. Internet Connection for installing only.
  3. Mac or Window
  4. Android Studio Framework
  5. Java
  6. Android
  7. XML
  8. JDK

How to Install Android Studio in Windows

To install the Android Studio framework click the link below and set the environment path in your system.

How To Install JDK

JDK is a Java Development Kit used to implement Java and other tools like JVM, compiler and debugger.

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You can learn Android and Flutter Development from tutorials from This website also.

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