Selection Sort Algorithms | How to sort an Array/List using Selection sort?

Selection Sort is a efficient and simple algorithms for sorting the elements by repeatedly selecting the largest or smallest element from the unsorted portion of the list and moving it to the sorted portion of the list. Lets go in deep dive.

Selection sort algorithm
Selection sort algorithm

Steps to follow for Selection Sort Algorithms

In this type of sort, pick the smallest element from the list and push it to beginning of the list by iterating two loops.

  • Pick smallest element in one iteration and do only single swipe.
  • Run the inner loop from next element j+1 till the length.
  • Compare that the min element is greater than the next element, if yes then swipe after completing the iteration.



Same approach follows in the dart programming, only the way of declaring of variables changes.

Time Complexity and Auxiliary Space Analysis

Time Complexity: O(N2) due to two iterations. We are looping the an array two times that why the time complexity is O(N2).

Auxiliary Space : O(1)

Do you know Bubble Sort Algorithms in DSA? See more examples.

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